
The story of my fight for the good of the planet and all on it...

Friday, March 06, 2009

"They aren't revolutionaries, they're PAGANS!"

This is how I feel when I think long and hard about the state of politics today. Notice that Straw uses these helpful clauses he has placed in the Freedom of Information Act to justify his blatant power-mongering. Read this article and tell me he isn't just trying to protect his government from embarressment. His terrible stumbling to justify it only confirms it.

How can we prevail? How can we have justice from this 'Minister for Injustice'? Do I have to resort to throwinggreen custard at them? This only seems to propell their self-righteous arrogance to not wanting "to "go back" to the 24-hour protection he (Lord Mandelson) had when Northern Ireland Secretary."

Then of course I read again for the umpteenth time how the ID card scheme is fatally flawed. What more can be done to halt this terrifying Orwellian (a term used MORE and MORE these days) scheme?

Why, are we now fighting to preserve all those rights generations before us have already fought for?


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