
The story of my fight for the good of the planet and all on it...

Monday, May 19, 2008

So you voted in Boris Johnson...


I can only assume that Ken Livingstone was right when he said that celebrity is as important as ideology these days. People do not sit around and discuss ideology but watch television. Therefore policy and publicity are equal.

Why can't we look beyond the facade? Why can't we investigate?

For example:
The facade: The hip, young David Cameron says 'Boris is the man for Mayor of London'.
The reality: David Cameron thinks 'Boris has a chance of winning because of his celebrity, therefore, EVEN THOUGH I DO NOT WANT HIM IN MY SHADOW CABINET I will promote him for Mayor, including throwing such a PR weight behind him it will reel in his sometimes idiotic behaviour and make him seem more like the man for the job'.

Now, should I mention that Boris Johnson wanted George Bush to become President and continue to be President? Can that man's judge of character be trusted with running the capital?

As i failed to convince you that Boris shouldn't be mayor I will try harder to convince you that David 'The Smiler' Cameron should not be allowed to become Prime Minister.

Todays classic David Cameron Quote is when asked about the Hybrid Embryo bill being discussed at the moment he would vote "against some of the things that won't be necessary". Classic Cameron.



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