
The story of my fight for the good of the planet and all on it...

Friday, August 11, 2006

There is always hope...

(This is from Corpwatch and the Guardian)

A major investor in Exxonmobil is opposing the leadership of the current Chief Executive based on 'ethical grounds'.

"We are taking this unprecedented action of opposing the election of a chief executive as we have serious concerns on their management of climate change and the leadership provided on this issue," said Ian Jones" who is head of 'Responsible investment' at the Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) that owns 25 million dollars of Exxonmobil stock.

They say that they were best placed to see that environmental damage was causing more insurance claims from them and thus Climate Change (that Exxonmobil have refused to do anything about) was a threat to the planet. "Environmental flooding alone has led to a 500% increase in claims over the past decade which now total more than £1.5m a year", the CIS says.

But there are still major dangers in this country. I speak of course of ID cards and the Orwellian horror that will follow. Honestly this terrifies me. If they can force us to have a card, and a black box in our car that tracks our movement they can do all sorts of things.

Or maybe, like I've always thought the whole thing is out of control.



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