
The story of my fight for the good of the planet and all on it...

Monday, December 04, 2006

"Land of hope and glory...

Mother of the free,
How shall we extole thee,
Who are born of thee,
Wider and still wider,
Shall thy bounds be set,
God who made the mighty,
Make thee mightier yet!!,
God who made thee mighty,
Make thee mightier yet!"

Vera Lynn-Land of Hope and Glory

There was a time when people fought a war so that we could live in a country that was free of tyranny. Men fought and died so that we would live free. People fought for a better world, that after the war we would have a better world to live in.

Now, when I find myself facing the apathy of the masses and the tyranny of Corporations I find myself despairing.

According to the BBC, 53% of teenagers wouldn't change their lifestyle to stop climate change. I despair of the human race sometimes, I really do.

Fight Club said that we had no great war and no great depression to define us as people, to give us something to strive for. Now we find ourselves comfortable in our western armchairs, getting fat from the cathode ray known as television (or 'Opium of the masses').

So I find myself once again realising that apathy is a dangerous thing and it is something I might struggle against (I swear if one more person tries to persuade me NOT to recycle I might explode).

So I must fight for the better world, I must make my stand against apathy and do all the things that need to be done. Our great war IS a spiritual war, our goal is to


That is one of our generations goals, along with making trade fair and making poverty history.

For crying out load lets do it!

Rant over.


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