
The story of my fight for the good of the planet and all on it...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Discovered a new site through the Ringleader:


Where you can investigate the links between Exxonmobil and their lobbying that climate change is normal and not worth doing anything about. It also brings you interesting facts like this:

Dick Cheney was a former CEO of Halliburton and still gains a deferred salary of $1,000,000 a year from them. He is now the VICE PRESIDENT FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Now, I'm not saying he's influenced by them but they must be paying him for SOMETHING.

A term that comes out of this site is 'Wise Use'. This is a movement that claims that environmentalist movements are dangerous. Now, if you examine
this essay then you start to see some of their reasoning. To quote:

"Environmentalism is radical: "in the sense of demanding fundamental change. It calls for changes in present political systems, in the reach of the law, in the methods of agriculture and industry, in the structure of capitalism (the profit system), in international dealings, and in education."

But much like Creationism trying to get around evolution by semantics and clever marketing, Wise Use seems to be trying to devalue environmentalists by saying that they want change in the system. The Wise Use movement portray the Environmentalists as the shadowy ones who influence the government for their own ends, controlling the establishment for nefarious purposes. The goal of environmentalists, they say is to destroy peoples' way of life.

The flip side is of course that environmentalists COULD become the 'watchmen' of the world, forcing people to go along with their beliefs.

Now, no one should be forced to go along with someone elses beliefs, the issues and facts should be argument enough. On one side you have those who want economic growth, the advance of science and technology and the right to keep their way of life. On the other side you have those who want to save the environment and believe that to do so they must get the government to introduce legislation to make everyone go along with that.

But it seems to me, that saving the planet (surely the goal of both sides (or is it?)) is to do everything to help save it, including recycling, buying less stuff, reusing stuff, all the little things that need to be done, as well as the big things.

I don't have the space to go into every facet of this argument and I would be accused of bias anyway as I clearly think saving the planet is preferable to saving Dick Cheney's defered salary. What I suggest is that instead of listening to the people who point fingers and say the other side is evil, look at the FACTS.

Those who want to help save the planet meet at Trafalgar Square at 12 tommorrow for the demonstration.

There are many opportunities to help save the planet, they take place at almost every choice you make today.

Ramrant over.


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